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1HD Gaming Empty HD Gaming Tue May 31, 2011 3:06 am


HD Gaming 1301425857

Since 2011

Ime klana - HD Gaming
Tag - HD
Igramo - Online
Drzava - SrbijaHD Gaming Srkq810/SvajcarskaHD Gaming Ch
Kontakt msn - igor_gunit@hotmail.com
Kontakt steam- 1ggyy
Forum -http://www.HD-Community.com

Line up:

HD Gaming Srkq810/HD Gaming Ch- 1ggy - Igor Milivojevic

HD Gaming Srkq810- lazaRRR - Lazar Milic

HD Gaming Srkq810- Oki - Goran Andrejic

HD Gaming Srkq810- Vlada.cfg - Vladimir Smilic

HD Gaming Srkq810- Korg - Elvis Ajetovic

Line down:

-HD Gaming Srkq810/HD Gaming Ch nen4d - Nenad Velimirovic

HD Gaming Srkq810- anGeL - Bojan Rajic


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